Jenny Creek Tanner


Jenny Creek Tanner

Jenny Creek Tanner

Historical Romance, Romance, Christian Fiction

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    Apr 2017

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    United States

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Jenny Creek Tanner is a bestselling Amazon author, and she's country girl at heart! She loves writing wholesome romantic stories about the American west of the 1800's. Her favorite stories are about the extraordinary women that became the mail-order brides to men living in the "wild" west, often with nothing more than a few letters on which to make a life-changing leap of faith!

Jenny's books are clean, wholesome romances that tell the stories of intriguing characters as they use their Christian faith and upbringing to overcome the struggles that the people living in the wild west faced on a daily basis. She loves playing the piano, and her love for music played a big role in her first book, "Music for His Heart".

Jenny's latest series, "Stories of Loss and Love in the Old West," is a three-book series about one family's experience with loss, and how they find new lives, and loves, in the Old West.

You can sign up for Jenny's Clean Western Mail Order Bride Romance Starter Library here ( and get four FREE books! You'll also be notified of her new releases and other goodies!

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